Gynecological Health

Caring for your vulva and vagina —The vagina contains many bacteria that naturally coexist with other organisms in a healthy balance. However, sometimes other bacteria may be introduced that can lead to an infection and irritation. Here are tips on how to properly care for your vulva and vagina.

  • Use warm water to wash the vulva (the external genitals). Avoid harsh or strongly scented soaps. Use a clean towel to thoroughly pat the area dry.
  • The vagina cleanses itself naturally in the form of normal, vaginal discharge. Avoid using douches unless prescribed by your physician. These products can upset the natural balance of organisms.
  • Wear 100 percent cotton underwear. Avoid wearing nylon, acetate, or other manmade fibers.
  • Avoid wearing thongs.
  • Rinse underclothes carefully after washing. Or, double-rinse.
  • Wash new underclothes before wearing.
  • Use a mild soap (such as Woolite) for washing underclothes. Do not use detergents (especially Tide) or fabric softeners (including dryer sheets.)
  • Use soft toilet tissue, and always wipe from front to back
  • Use tampons instead of sanitary napkins to control menstrual bleeding. (Do not use deodorant tampons.) Do not leave tampons in for a long period, due to toxic shock syndrome. Do not leave tampons in all night.
  • Don’t scratch.
  • Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose or panty girdles. They trap heat and moisture, providing an ideal breeding environment for organisms. When nylons or leggings are required, wear cotton or nylons with a cotton panty.
  • Avoid these feminine hygiene products, which can irritate the vulva: sanitary pads, feminine spray and deodorants, Vaseline, oils, greases, bubble baths, bath oils, talc, or powder.

Signs and Symptoms of Gynecologic Problems – Vaginal bleeding and discharge are normal for menstrual cycles, however if there is something different or unusual this may be a sign of a problem. Symptoms may be the result of a mild infection that is easy to treat but if not treated it can lead to more serious problems including infertility or kidney damage. It could also be an indicators of a more serious problem from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to cancer. You should consult a physician if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Bleeding between periods
  • Frequent and urgent need to urinate, or a burning sensation during urination
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding, particularly during or after intercourse
  • Pain or pressure in your pelvis that differs from menstrual cramps
  • Itching, burning, swelling, redness, or soreness in the vaginal area
  • Sores or lumps in the genital area
  • Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant or unusual odor, or of an unusual color
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Pain or discomfort during intercourse

Always consult a physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Recognizing symptoms early and seeing a doctor right away increases the likelihood of successful treatment.

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