What is the Women’s Resource Center?
Truman State University’s Women’s Resource Center is a student-led, nonpartisan organization focused on educating students on physical, mental, and sexual health topics. The WRC also puts on several events for the student body, often connected to women and gender-related issues. In addition, we are capable of providing students with a variety of free resources as well as peer-to-peer counseling.
What does the Women’s Resource Center provide?
The WRC provides a plethora of brochures and informational pamphlets on multiple topics such as physical, mental, or sexual health, as well as feminist literature and movies within the center for any student to check out for free. We also stock bathrooms with free tampons and pads across campus. Some of the resources we provide in our center (for free!) include:
- External condoms (vegan and latex-free condoms may be available upon request)
- Internal condoms
- Dental dams
- Personal lubricant (water or silicone)
- Pads
- Tampons
- Toothbrushes
- Deodorant
- Hair ties
- Pamphlets and information about sexual health, STIs, birth control options, etc.
- Peer-to-peer counseling
… And much more!
Where is the center? When is it open?
- 1109C Student Union Building (SUB)
- Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
When we are not tabling on campus, we are found in the SUB on the lowest level, right across from the Funds Allotment Council and across the hall from the men’s bathroom. Look for our whiteboard and teal resource baskets when we are open!
Want to get involved?
- Contact us or apply on TruPositions if you are interested in becoming a member of our staff! Volunteer, scholarship and work-study options are available. All prospective staff members must be Truman students and go through an interview and training.
- We accept donations of numerous hygiene products (pads, tampons, etc.). Donations must be in original packaging and given directly to a staff member.
- We would love to collaborate with other organizations! Feel free to reach out if your organization would like to work on a project or event together!